That’s because, like all the games before it, there’s a variety ofSaints Row 3 cheatson offer. From cheats that increase your police notoriety to making your vehicle a pedestrian squishing machine, Saints Row The Third has it all. So if you’re returning to the game for a quick run...
黑道圣徒3秘籍 Saints Row: The Third 100游戏秘籍使用电话 => Extras => Cheats 输入以下秘籍:角色属性秘籍作用 cheese $100,000 letsrock 武器 goldengun 黄金枪 (一击必杀) runfast 无限冲刺 vroom 无车辆伤害 repaircar 车辆修复 whatitmeanstome + 声望 pissoffpigs + 警徽 goodygoody 无警徽 lolz + ...
Cheat Codes: Enter the following codes in your phone. These cheats will disable achievements and auto-save. Result- Code: Add Gang Notoriety - lolz Add Police Notoriety - pissoffpigs Give Cash - cheese Give Respect - whatitmeanstome Heavenbound - fryhole Infinite Sprint - runfast No Cop N...
黑道圣徒3攻略 Saints Row Three Cheats & Hint游戏简介 《黑道圣徒3》主要讲述的是整个故事最开始的部分。玩家将扮演一位犯罪组织中的精英成员。第三代游戏仍然扮演来自前作的自定义英雄,同时引入了名为“圣安德列斯风格”的升级系统。并且该作取消在线多人模式,支持合作模式。另外,《黑道圣徒3》将引入《红色派系》...
# 黑道圣徒3攻略 Saints Row Three Cheats & Hint最新版 《黑道圣徒3》主要讲述的是整个故事最开始的部分。玩家将扮演一位犯罪组织中的精英成员。第三代游戏仍然扮演来自前作的自定义英雄,同时引入了名为“圣安德列斯风格”的升级系统。并且该作取消在线多人模式,支持合作模式。另外,《黑道圣徒3》将引入《红色派...
Can Saints Row: The Third cheats be saved across gameplays? Saints Row: The Third has dozens of cheats that can be typed at the cheat screen. However, after I typed some codes and quit the game, when I came back those cheats were gone and I had to retype them ... saints-row-the...
Saints Row: The Third Remastered Trainer 16 Options · Game Version: v1.0+ · Last Updated: 2020.05.26 Options Num 1 – Infinite Health Num 2 – Teammates Infinite Health Num 3 – Infinite Stamina Num 4 – Infinite Ammo Num 5 – No Reload...
Pro Cheats - Saints Row 4 Edition应用简介 **This app is unofficial, please read Disclaimer at bottom of description**This FREE guide app includes: Cheat Codes, Complete Walkthrough, Tips, Easter Eggs, Tips, Achievements/Trophies and much more for Saints Row IV.This is the most epic guide ...
Heading back into Saints Row and looking for the full mission list to see all the activities you can tackle in the wacky gangster game's open world of mayhem?
3DM黑道圣徒MOD制作团队 alucard-44出品 作用: 原理:用工具提出common.vpp_pc中的cheats.xtbl 找到每条密籍的False(作弊不会被标出) 全部替换False改为True 我集合了vertusd的1.01中文补丁,再次感谢他 安装方法:下载后替换游戏文件夹中的同名文件 注意事项:如果你以前就使用过秘籍,存档已经被标出则无法挽救 ...