2:这个挺有趣,点了之后,进什么车,哪怕那个车在燃烧都会立刻回到出厂时那么崭新:isquishyou (但受到严重攻击还是会爆掉哦,只要出车再进去又好了)3:修理当前驾驶的车辆:repaircar 修了还是会坏哦~亲②各种载具代码(某些车的中文解释我就偷懒不写了,除了个别几个BT级和任务要用的车我会标一下,我把give和后面...
In any game, invincibility is always your friend. Saints Row The Third is no exception. With this cheat engaged, you need to input it 10 to 20 times. Until you reach level 50, you can breeze through the game or create an absurd amount of destruction without receiving a scratch. Hey, w...
Saints Row: The Third 100游戏秘籍使用电话 => Extras => Cheats 输入以下秘籍:角色属性秘籍作用 cheese $100,000 letsrock 武器 goldengun 黄金枪 (一击必杀) runfast 无限冲刺 vroom 无车辆伤害 repaircar 车辆修复 whatitmeanstome + 声望 pissoffpigs + 警徽 goodygoody 无警徽 lolz + 帮派星 oops 无...
Saints Row: The Third Cheat Codes: Enter the following codes in your phone. These cheats will disable achievements and auto-save. Result- Code: Add Gang Notoriety - lolz Add Police Notoriety - pissoffpigs Give Cash - cheese Give Respect - whatitmeanstome Heavenbound - fryhole Infinite Sprin...
Saints Row: The Third (Saints Row 3) Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PC Published:October 4, 2011byCheat Code Central Staff Saints Row: The Third Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ Cheat mode Use the phone, and select the “Extras” option, then […] ...
All the latest Saints Row IV cheats, cheat codes, hints, trophies, achievements, FAQs, trainers and savegames for PlayStation 3.
Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix Summary Have you ever wondered if you made a different choice, what sort of world […] Action-adventureCodesSaints Row Saints Row IV: How the Saints Save Christmas (DLC) Cheats & Cheat Codes for Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Windows, and More ...