In 2022, theUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishopslaunched a movement called Eucharistic Revival, for Catholics across the country to deepen their devotion to the Real Presence in the Eucharist. More information and resources may be found on theArchdiocese website. ...
An intimate spoken Eucharist where we commemorate the saints of the Church each Wednesday. Sunday Holy Eucharist Sundays 上午10:00 Our Sunday worship is from the Book of Common Prayer with choir and hymns. The worship is followed by our Hospitality Hour and Adult Forum in the Parish Hall. Mon...
Something had to be done about it. The traditional patron saint of France,Saint-Denis, had proved to be a disappointment – too isolated in Paris perhaps – and Saint Michael had stepped into the breech. Was this the time foretold in the book ofRevelation, thought Joan? As the new standar...
The Humility of God and Holy Communion Do you pray silently before receiving Communion or afterward? What do you pray? After receiving Christ in the Eucharist, my prayer is intimately personal. Not always grand or uplifting, that’s …Continue Reading ...
Let the Children Come to Me - The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini(Patroness of First Communicants): This moving story teaches children about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist through the miraculous story of this little Italian girl. ...
10:30 a.m.Traditional Eucharist with choir and organ Both services will be livestreamed onYouTube. Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple. The liturgies will begin with a procession and blessing of candles. Please arrive a few minutes...
If you are an usher, a Lay Eucharistic Minister, or a Lector, you should have received the February, March, and early April schedule in your email. It is also posted on the bulletin board. Please look ahead at your own schedule and consider how you can help during Holy Week (the week...
As a mission church of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, we are part of the national Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion, and our worship life is patterned according to the Book of Common Prayer, 1979. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated as an offering of praise and thanksgiv...
As a mission church of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, we are part of the national Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion, and our worship life is patterned according to the Book of Common Prayer, 1979. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated as an offering of praise and thanksgiv...
As a mission church of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, we are part of the national Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion, and our worship life is patterned according to the Book of Common Prayer, 1979. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated as an offering of praise and thanksgiv...