Young Samuel and his sister Mary are on the run from Roman soldiers who have torn their family apart. Surviving any way they can, they meet a woman named Mary who introduces them to her son Jesus—-an event that will forever change their lives. Shown at LDS Film Festival, Saturday, Marc...
Saints Row takes a step forward...and steps in dog crap. Helpful•0 21 harry_armstrong81 Jul 24, 2012 Permalink A gaming Landmark The crossroads in the series and a major breakthrough in gaming, this new step of embracing the out there and absurd is a fantastic thing for the industry...
Twenty-five years after her death, Joan of Arc was given a new trial and her sentence annulled. Sainthood would take nearly 500 years, when she was finally canonized in 1920. Today, she is the patron saint of soldiers. Episode two: John the Baptist (November 24th) Yahya Mahayni takes ...