14. “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”— Saint Augustine 15. “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”— Saint Augustine 16. “Take away from love the fullness of self-su...
Sadly, Therese experienced profound grief when she lost her mother to breast cancer at just four and a half. Her elder sister, Pauline, stepped into the role of mother, only to leave Therese again when she joined the Carmelite convent five years later. During a severe illness in her youth,...
“I came here to thank the saint with an offering. If you’ve lost something, you should pray to Saint Anthony!” Altar of Saint Nicolaus, Church of the Holy Cross, Rottweil, Germany. Photo by Reliquarian. Patron Saint of Lost Things It is unclear how Saint Anthony became a patron ...
Alaska winters pray for end of summer days But the sun won't go away.Just like me I'll bet they really want to change.I can run as far as London,But my past has first class seats.The lighthouse lost it's beam.Now all I see,Is the face of the cliffs between the moonlight ...
Nicholas is remarkable for the large number of miracles he is supposed to have worked during his lifetime, and for that reason is a very popular saint to pray to, since he is obviously willing to use the powers all saints have. He saved ships from storms, multiplied grain to save towns...
lost to us during the African Holocaust when we were stripped of our African culture/spirituality, but have been reclaimed by many. Once you have knowledge of the Egun rituals there is no excuse to continue ignoring them. Our Egun are watching and waiting. In some indigenous cultures, ...
In your son's name, we pray. Amen. 4 TYGER, TYGER Poetry 5 TYGER, TYGER A Chronicle of Mass Separation By Shane O'Bryan A poor man couldn't stop sneezing- Did anyone say God bless you? A homeless man suddenly stopped breathing- Did anyone come to the rescue? A poor boy fell and...