Saints row 1,2 and 3 are one of my favorite games although The Third was almost completely different it fit my tastes so good! with is soundtrack,gunplay,mechanics,map,over the top fun,weapon sounds,variety of everything really realllyyyy attached me to it from the beginning till the end...
So, what does this actually mean to the average Saints Row player? In simple terms, the modding community will finally be able to create and offer new clothing, new vehicles, new guns, new npcs, new missions, and even new world geometry which will greatly extend the life of the series a...
Saints Row 3 was super fun and I look forward to seeing what mods appear. Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes Garyn Dakari - Jun 21 2013 - 1,508 comments I heard about this on the Saints Row mod site - Exciting stuff! I will definitely be playing around with the tools once ...