Spanish: San Pedro Claver Born: 1581, Verdú,Spain Died: September 4, 1654,Cartagena,Colombia(aged 73) See all related content St. Peter Claver(born 1581, Verdú, Spain—died September 4, 1654, Cartagena, Colombia; canonized 1888; feast day September 9) was aJesuitmissionary toSouth America...
Saint Peter Martyr, inquisitor, vigorous preacher, and religious founder who, for his militant reformation, was assassinated by a neo-Manichaean sect, the Cathari (heretical Christians who held unorthodox views on the nature of good and evil). Learn more
Saint Peter ChanelMissionary and Martyr(1803-1841) Born in 1803 in the diocese of Belley in France, Peter was the fifth child of his parents; with his older brothers and sisters he was consecrated to the Blessed Virgin at his birth. They were all pious children who prayed and tried to ...
Saint Peter, leader of the Church In the year 30 AD, after the death of Jesus, Saint Peter took on the challenge of being the undisputed leader of the tiny community of the first Christian believers in Palestine for fifteen years: he led prayers, responded to accusations of heresy from Ort...
Peter (Saint Peter in Roman Catholic and Orthodox traditions), Prince of the Apostles, born Simon (Acts 15:14; 2 Peter 1:1), in Bethsaida (John 1:42, 44), a town on Lake Genesareth, Galilee, (Now Israel). Son of Jonah, he became a disciple of Jesus c. 30 AD. St. Peter and...
Saint Peter Tag Archives:Saint Peter Saint Roch: The Saint “Par Excellence” Against Disease 04SaturdayApr 2020 PostedbyReliquarianinTomb / Sarcophagus ≈1 Comment Christian Jorhan,Heilige Rochus(Saint Roch), polychromed limewood (Landshut, Germany 1760/1770). Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nur...
Saint Peter, leader of the Church In the year 30 AD, after the death of Jesus, Saint Peter took on the challenge of being the undisputed leader of the tiny community of the first Christian believers in Palestine for fifteen years: he led prayers, responded to accusations of heresy from Ort...
When is St. Peter and St. Paul Day? This feast day is celebrated on June 29th. The day commemorates the martyrdom of two saints, the two great Apostles, Saint Peter and St. Paul, assigned by tradition to the same day of June in the year 67. ...
When is St. Peter and St. Paul Day? This feast day is celebrated on June 29th. The day commemorates the martyrdom of two saints, the two great Apostles, Saint Peter and St. Paul, assigned by tradition to the same day of June in the year 67. ...
Peter Singer may not be a saint, but I hugely admire the way he’s staked out a set of beliefs and so effectively and persuasively explained the implications of those beliefs for how we should live. Oftentimes the people we admire most are the ones who are most different from us. And ...