Let us be clear about the meaning of the terms. A genius is a person who, seeing farther and probing deeper than other people, has a different set of ethical valuations from theirs, and has energy enough to give effect to this extra vision and its valuations in whatever manner best suits...
Ramón i Ferrer Departmento de Lengua y Literatura, Universidad Católica de Valencia, 46001 València, Spain; lluis.ramon@ucv.es Abstract: This work studies the iconography of Vicent Macip's altarpiece dedicated to Saint Dionysius and Saint Margaret, which is found in the Cathedral of València...
Saint Nicholas, one of the most popular minor saints who is now traditionally associated with the festival of Christmas. In many countries children receive gifts on December 6, St. Nicholas Day. He is one of the patron saints of children and of sailors.
St. Dionysius, a bishop and a martyr, appears with the garments of a bishop: he holds a staff and wears a mitre, episcopal gloves, a ring, and an embroidered alb with brocade cuffs. He wears a cope with some embroidered images of Christ, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Apollonia, St. ...