菲律宾土格加劳圣路易斯大学(University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City),简称USLT,位于菲律宾卡加延省土格加劳市,是一所从幼儿园到博士研究生学历层次多样、学科体系完善的综合体私立高等教育学府。该大学体系校区亚洲QS排名751,东南亚QS排名127。...
学校简介 圣路易斯大学,简称SLU,位于菲律宾碧瑶市,是一所研究型大学,学校于1911年成立,该大学共有四个校区,全日制在读学生3万多人。 圣路易斯大学坐落在素有菲律宾大学城之称的——碧瑶市(Baguio City)。…
圣路易斯大学(University of Saint Louis,Tuguegarao City),简称USL,是一所私立高等教育学府,位于菲律宾卡加延省土格加劳市。 2002年,菲律宾高等教育委员会(CHED)授予该学院“大学地位”-“the UNIVERSITY STATUS”,从Saint Louis College of Tuguegarao改名为University of Saint Louis,Tuguegarao City。 同年,在获得大...
圣路易斯大学(Saint Louis University)简称SLU,建校于1911年,坐落于菲律宾北部教育中心——碧瑶市(Baguio City),SLU是菲律宾最优秀的高等学府之一,有4个校区,全日制在校生超过3万名。提供全面的学士、硕士和博士教育,其中医学、管理学、教育学和工程学是该...
Saint Louis University in Missouri has a 12,000-strong student body of whom about 8 per cent are from overseas. The private research institution, which is located a short distance from the city's famous Gateway Arch, was founded in 1818 and is a Jesuit university. SLU has a strong service...
Louis city which used to be known as the ‘Place of Firsts’ back in the day for the first appearances of many technological devices. Here you will find St. Louis University. So, without waiting any longer, let us cover all about St. Louis University which is situated in a city that ...
agencies headquartered in the city or with significant operations there include the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Major research universities in Greater St. Louis include Washington University in St. Louis, Sai...
圣路易斯大学(Saint Louis University)简称SLU,建校于1911年,坐落于菲律宾北部教育中心——碧瑶市(Baguio City),SLU是菲律宾最优秀的高等学府之一,有4个校区,全日制在校生超过3万名。提供全面的学士、硕士和博士教育,其中医学、管理学、教育学和工程学是该校的强项专业,被菲律宾高教委授予“国家最优秀学科”的荣誉称号...
Saint Louis University is a private Catholic university located in the city of Baguio, Philippines. Saint Louis University is the largest university north of Manila with more than 19,000 students, it is centrally situated in a six-hectare campus in the heart of Baguio City and has more than ...