粵語音譯名:聖基茨及尼維斯報錯英文名:Saint Kitts and Nevis 所在城市:巴斯特尔球隊主場: 成立時間:1932平均年齡: 主教練:官方網站:進入網站 聯繫地址:中北美洲 賽事時間主場球隊比分客場球隊半場讓球盤路分析 北美預選2025/06/10 06:00聖基茨及尼維斯格林納達析 ...
粤语音译名:聖基茨及尼維斯报错英文名:Saint Kitts and Nevis 所在城市:巴斯特尔球队主场: 成立时间:1932平均年龄:0 主教练:官方网站:进入网站 联系地址:中北美洲 赛事时间主场比分客场半场让球大小胜负资料 中北美国联2023/11/20 03:00瓜德罗普5-0圣基茨和尼维斯1-0输大负析亚欧大 ...
The meaning of SAINT KITTS is island of the British West Indies in the Leeward Islands; chief town Basseterre area 68 square miles (177 square kilometers) population 35,000.
This page contains an complete overview of all already played and fixtured season games and the season tally of the national team St. Kitts/Nevis in the season 23/24.
The meaning of SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS is country in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies consisting of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis; capital Basseterre, area 101 square miles (261 square kilometers), population 53,1000.
Saint Kitts and Nevis 英 [seɪnt ˌkɪts ənd ˈniːvɪs] 美 [seɪnt kɪts ənd ˈnɛvɪs]网络 圣克里斯多福与尼维斯; 圣基茨和尼维斯联邦; 尼维斯岛; 圣基茨和尼维斯; 圣克里斯多福 ...
Introduction ::Saint Kitts and Nevis Background: Carib Indians occupied the islands for hundreds of years before the British began settlement in 1623. The islands became an associated state of the UK with full internal autonomy in 1967. The island of Anguilla rebelled and was allowed to secede...
Saint Kitts and Nevis - 2024https://theodora.com/wfbcurrent/saint_kitts_and_nevis/index.html SOURCE: 2024 CIA WORLD FACTBOOK AND OTHER SOURCES Main Index Country Ranks Time Series 2024 Index DEFINITIONSIntroduction History Geography Climate Maps People Environment Government Flags Economy Energy ...
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Caribbean, Colonization, Independence: Christopher Columbus visited Saint Kitts on his second voyage in 1493 and found it inhabited by Carib people. He named it Saint Christopher for his patron saint. The name was shortened to Sai