Do you find yourself in need of prayer looking for work these days? We offer this prayer to St. Joseph for Employment printed below in the hope it might provide some relief and comfort to those of you caught in this position. Dear Saint Joseph, you were yourself once faced with the resp...
Joseph was adescendantof the house ofKing David. After marryingMary, he found her already pregnant and, “being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace” (Matthew 1:19), decided to divorce her quietly, but an angel told him that the child was the Son of God and...
Saint Joseph Sunday Missal: Prayerbook and Hymnalsunday missal
NOVENA TO SAINT JOSEPH: Practical Novena to Saint Joseph. This app allows you to pray the Novena daily and record your progress to help you easily continue the next day. Save your own prayers by adding a photo to make it easier for you to make your requests every day. ...
Here are some of the features that make our Parish Mobile App such a powerful tool for strengthening the bonds of our community: - View our parish calendars - Read our Weekly Bulletins - See the Mass Readings - Prayer resources, including an interactive Rosary and Bible - Enjoy our Photo ...
St. Clare displayed incredible courage. She had the Blessed Sacrament positioned against the wall, visible to the invaders. Falling on her knees, she earnestly prayed for the Lord to shield the Sisters. Miraculously, an audible voice responded, “I will keep them always in My care.” This di...
Her renewed faith deepened her devotion to the Blessed Virgin, the Holy Infant Jesus, the Blessed Eucharist, and the sufferings of Christ. Hyacintha, as she was now known, became known for her miraculous works, prophetic gifts, and ability to discern others’ thoughts. Her charitable works wer...
he saw the performance of a traveling circus troupe and began to teach himselfmagictricks and acrobatics. He would gather groups of other children for his little shows and would recite a recent homily, prayer, or hymn at the end. He felt called to the priesthood but lacked the necessaryeduca...
For someone who wanted to better understand how early Mormon settlements functioned and how one’s faith contributed to the development of these settlements, Joseph Hunter’s Journal is a treasure. A few examples of these entries include: “Sunday, August 29, 1869: A general fast & prayer ...
active apostolate,discovery,vocations,photos,intercessory prayer,employment available,greetings,drupal development,by drupalnerd SERVER nginx/1.12.2 CONTENT-TYPE utf-8 GOOGLE PREVIEW Contemplatives of Saint Joseph | | Reviews ...