Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa提供一流的服务和设施,让客人尽享舒适。 客人可以享受在住宿内停车的便利。 怎能不爱咖啡!住宿内有咖啡厅,确保您每天早晨或在需要时都能品尝到一杯正宗的现煮咖啡。 住宿内提供娱乐场所,您可在此与旅伴一起度过难忘的夜晚。在Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa,客人可尽情享受...
此外,马赛大厅、Cyclepods、Cloud Care Clinic、Toothworks、St. George's Greek Orthodox Church、Ryerson University和Jarvis Market也都在酒店附近,为您的多伦多之行增添了更多的乐趣和便利。无论您是来观光还是商务出差,圣詹姆斯酒店将为您提供一个舒适和便利的住宿体验。
你可能有资格在Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa享受Genius优惠。如需查看你所选日期是否提供Genius优惠,请登录。 这家住宿的Genius优惠根据预订日期、住宿日期和其他优惠有所变化。 抱歉,该住宿简介暂无您所选择的语言版本,目前正在更新中。 St. George Hotel - Medical SPA is located on the first line in ...
DimitrisHistoryBeldekosHistoryMariannaHistoryKaramanouHistoryEffieHistoryPoulakou-RebelakouHistoryDimitrisHistoryPloumpidisHistoryGeorgeHistoryAndroutsosHistorySpringerJournal of Religion&Health
Established in 1734, King’s Square was named after King George III. There are statues and monuments dedicated to great Canadians and war heroes. And it’s situated in a lovely setting with park benches and greenery surrounding the main pavilion, making it the perfect spot for an afternoon ...
George (Andrew Simpson), Belfast born, Protestant, is a barrister with republican leanings. These are just a few of the complex, diverse characters that feature in our multi-stranded drama. The series covers the events of 1916, beginning with the Easter Rising in Dublin. The characters cross...
Paul, Minnesota, illustration by George H. Ellsbury from Alfred Theodore Andreas's An Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Minnesota, 1874.(more) St. Paul’s historic importance in the development of the Upper Midwest was as a commercial centre that utilized its strategic location on ...
在Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa,客人可尽情享受令人愉悦的娱乐设施。 在Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa,各种便利设施保证您在住宿期间获得充实的体验。您可以尽情跳入泳池享受游泳乐趣,拥有难忘假期。 展开 服务及设施 公共停车场每天BGN 12(约¥47)咖啡厅室内泳池酒吧餐厅健身室桑拿浴室花园24小时前台公用区...
欢迎光临Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa! 这家帕莫瑞酒店自开业起,就以其卓越的服务赢得了无数旅客的赞誉。酒店展示161张图片,9条条客户评论,在携程酒店评分4.2分。它坐落于Javorov Str.15,附近拥有众多景点,交通便利,是商务出差和休闲度假的理想选择。在这里你可以筛选众多房型如大床房、双床房、家庭房等。Sa...
你可能有资格在Saint George Hotel & Medical Spa享受Genius优惠。如需查看你所选日期是否提供Genius优惠,请登录。 这家住宿的Genius优惠根据预订日期、住宿日期和其他优惠有所变化。 抱歉,该住宿简介暂无您所选择的语言版本,目前正在更新中。 St. George Hotel - Medical SPA is located on the first line in ...