Saint-Denis Also found in:Thesaurus,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Related to Saint-Denis:Seine Saint Denis Saint-De·nis (săN-də-nē′) 1.A city of north-central France, an industrial suburb of Paris. Dating from early Christian times as a place of pilgrimage, it is the site of a Benedict...
Denis (France)9 October Dominic7 August Dorothy6 February Dunstan19 May Edmund20 November Edward the Confessor13 October Edward the Martyr18 March Elizabeth5 November Elizabeth of Hungary17 November Elmo2 June EthelbertorÆthelbert25 February ...
圣丹尼教堂因此被视为哥特式建筑的鼻祖。wikipedia 标签 哥特式建筑•墓地•大教堂•(意大利)大教堂•教堂•基督教•礼拜场所•天主教•巴黎通票•遗产•历史建筑•罗马天主教 查看更多 Balisila of Saint-Denis,… @ Rita1234 Paris: Basilique Saint Denis Entry Ticket 从 12 USD 预定门票...
Paris: Basilique Saint Denis Entry Ticket 从 11 USD 预定门票更多信息以及联系方式 Wikipedia聖但尼聖殿站 地址 12 Place du Caquet, Saint-Denis 93200, France 坐标 48°56'11.86" N 2°21'33.412" E 行程和活动: 聖但尼聖殿站 Paris: Basilique Saint Denis Entry ...
Wikipedia </>embed</> New Testament St. Andrew Saint Andrew... Andrew Saint Andrew noun Synonyms for Saint Andrew noun(New Testament) disciple of Jesus Synonyms Andrew Saint Andrew the Apostle St. Andrew Related Words New Testament Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-20...
Also found in: Dictionary, Wikipedia. Saint-CloudSaint-Cloud (săN-klo͞oˈ), town (1990 est. pop. 28,673), Hauts-de-Seine dept., N central France, a suburb W of Paris on the Seine River. It is a residential town and resort, with a famous racetrack. Aeronautic and radio ...
Timezone: Europe/Paris UTC/GMT offset: 1 hours Sunrise and Sunset: 8:13 am and 5:34 pm Antipode Coordinates: -44.033 and -176.367 (Lat./Lng.) Closest place to antipode coordinates: Ouwenga References This place on Wikipedia This place on ...
Saint-Denis is a suburb just north of Paris. The martyred saint was said to have been beheaded in Paris, yet miraculously picked up his own head, washed it and walked nearly 10 km north to his future namesake village.Le Bourget Photo: Maxime ✈, CC BY-SA 2.0. Le Bourget is a commu...
Saint-Cloud is a very wealthy suburb west of Paris. It is most known for the Domaine de Saint-Cloud, a very large park that was home to the private country residence of various French royal figures such as Marie-Antoinette and Napoleon....
Épinay-sur-Seine is a commune in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, in the northern suburbs of Paris, France.Ermont Town Photo: Clicsouris, CC BY-SA 2.5. Ermont is a commune in the Val-d'Oise department, in the northern suburbs of Paris, France.Saint...