今天的主题是:Saint Crispin's Day Speech,这场战役称为The Battle of Agincourt /ˈæʒɪnkʊr/,阿金库尔之战,在法语中, Azincourt的发音是 [azɛ̃kuʁ],让我们来复古一下吧~噗~ 战役的一些数据: 法兰西死伤无数,英格兰就死了112人,是的,你们没看错。 PLUS:什么是Saint Crispin's D...
Depictions of cobblers making holidays in English literary texts; Interpretations of the Saint Crispin's Day speech in Henry V shows; Association between shoemakers and disruption of social order and hierarchy.ChapmanAlison A.Renaissance Quarterly...
Define Saint Crispin. Saint Crispin synonyms, Saint Crispin pronunciation, Saint Crispin translation, English dictionary definition of Saint Crispin. Noun 1. Saint Crispin - patron saint of shoemakers; he and his brother were martyred for trying to sprea
Define Saint Francis. Saint Francis synonyms, Saint Francis pronunciation, Saint Francis translation, English dictionary definition of Saint Francis. Noun 1. Saint Francis - an Italian and the Roman Catholic monk who founded the Franciscan order of friar