Augustine, Saint (ôˈgəstēn, –tĭn; ôgŭsˈtĭn), Lat. Aurelius Augustinus, 354–430, one of the Latin Fathers of the Church and a Doctor of the Church, bishop of Hippo (near present-day Annaba, Algeria), b. Tagaste (c.40 mi/60 km S of Hippo). Life Augustine's...
Augustine of Hippo28 August Barnabas11 June Bartholomew24 August Basil2 January Bede25 May Benedict11 July Bernadette of Lourdes16 April Bernard of Clairvaux20 August Bernard of Menthon28 May BonaventuraorBonaventure15 July Boniface5 June Brendan16 May ...
Define Saint Augustin. Saint Augustin synonyms, Saint Augustin pronunciation, Saint Augustin translation, English dictionary definition of Saint Augustin. Noun 1. Augustine of Hippo - one of the great Fathers of the early Christian church; after a dramat
The meaning of HERMIT OF SAINT AUGUSTINE is a member of an order of friars established in 1256 by Pope Alexander IV.
The meaning of SAINT AUGUSTINE GRASS is a tropical perennial grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) that has much-branched creeping stems and is used as a lawn grass and sand binder especially in the southern U.S..
Love and Saint Augustine and Augustine and the Limits of Politicslove and saint augustine and augustine and the limits of politicsdoi:10.1006/reli.1999.0205Scott DavisElsevier LtdReligion
如圣奥古斯丁(Saint Augustine)在《上帝之城》(The City of God)中所写“一个民族就是这样一群人,他们基于法律认同和 …|基于349个网页 2. 圣奥古斯汀 来到圣奥古斯汀(Saint Augustine),您会觉得自己似乎进入了一个奇妙的时间隧道。这里是美国最古老的城镇。|基于13个网页 3. ...
And check us out on Spotify! iTunes|Google Play| The Phil Free BandThe Roilers Hello music lovers! We will be performing at Club Congress next Wednesday August 16th in support of our new albumLost Two Days. Take a listen at Moreover, if you desire a...
Augustine of Hippo28 August Barnabas11 June Bartholomew24 August Basil2 January Bede25 May Benedict11 July Bernadette of Lourdes16 April Bernard of Clairvaux20 August Bernard of Menthon28 May BonaventuraorBonaventure15 July Boniface5 June Brendan16 May ...
Saint Augustine - (Roman Catholic Church) one of the great Fathers of the early Christian church; after a dramatic conversion to Christianity he became bishop of Hippo Regius in North Africa; St. Augustine emphasized man's need for grace (354-430) Augustine, Augustine of Hippo, St. Augustine...