The protagonist of Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino (Serena in English adaption), an ordinary, ditzy, 14-year-old girl — or so she thinks — discovers a talking cat named Luna, who reveals Usagi's identity as "Sailor Moon", a special warrior with the destiny of saving the planet Earth, and...
But I had to stay up and watch my Sailor Moon because I thought I was just like Serena,” Varnado said. “I was a meatball head, I was clumsy, I was always late for school, and she really taught me how to believe in myself, my own powers, and the powers of the universe and ...
Serena and Sailor Moon patterns. 0 Anime and Manga / Birdie's Patterns / Medium / People / Sailor Moon / Serena/Sailor Moon November 22, 2012 Sailor Moon Click the image to enlarge, right click and select Save... Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click...
Saylor Moon
"Sailor Moon" (美少女戦士セーラームーン or “Bishoujo Senshi Seera Muun”) literally translates to "Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon" is the title of the famous series originally authored by Naoko Takeuchi. This page is about the episodes titles of Japan and i
MOON PODCAST ESCALATION! Sailor Moon fans Jordan D. White, Chris Sims and a cast of guests set out to watch one of the greatest superhero stories of the 20th century, trying to figure out just what the Sailor Senshi's powers are, whether Luna should have a British accent, and just what...
MOON PODCAST ESCALATION! Sailor Moon fans Jordan D. White, Chris Sims and a cast of guests set out to watch one of the greatest superhero stories of the 20th century, trying to figure out just what the Sailor Senshi's powers are, whether Luna should have a British accent, and just what...
Beerus VS Sailor Galaxia is the 130th episode of Death Battle, featuring Beerus from the Dragon Ball series and Sailor Galaxia from the Sailor Moon series in a battle between godly anime destroyers. Beerus was voiced by River Kanoff and Sailor Galaxia wa
a 14-year-old middle school student who discovers she is actually the reincarnation of a moon princess charged with becoming the galactic warrior for love and justice named Sailor Moon. With the help of a magical cat named Luna, Serena awakens her powerful entourage of sailor scouts and fellow...
I don’t know if anyone coming toSailor Moonnow can feel that, but I do know it’s been on the New York Times Best Seller list since Volume 1 was released. I’m not surprised at all. Usagi is still annoying yet lovable, Ami is still admirable and sweet. Makoto is strong, yet fem...