The protagonist of Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino (Serena in English adaption), an ordinary, ditzy, 14-year-old girl — or so she thinks — discovers a talking cat named Luna, who reveals Usagi's identity as "Sailor Moon", a special warrior with the destiny of saving the planet Earth, and...
Of the 142635 characters on Anime Characters Database, 48 are from the 动画 Sailor Moon Sailor Stars.
Sailor Moon: With Susan Roman, Jill Frappier, Katie Griffin, Ron Rubin. The magical action-adventures of a teenage girl who learns of her destiny as the legendary warrior Sailor Moon and must band together with the other Sailor Scouts to defend the Earth
Sailor Moon, known as Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon (美少女戦士セーラームーン Bishōjo Senshi Sērā Mūn?, officially translated Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon)[1] in Japan, is a media franchise created by mangaka Naoko Takeuchi. Fred Patten credits Takeuchi
Sailor Moon is a popular manga and anime series created by Naoko Takeuchi, a Japanese writer and artist.
The scene of her and Chibi Moon in the circus tent is similar to their scenes in the early part of Sailor Stars when they fight Nehelenia. In a way the first six episodes of Sailor Stars are a more faithful adaptation of the dream arc than all of Sailor Moon SuperS. We see a young...
Sailor Moon: Directed by Rocky Solotoff. With Patricia Alice Albrecht, Adrienne Barbeau, Melendy Britt, Ria Chase. When Queen Beryl interrupts the marriage between Sailor Moon and Prince Darien, the Princess Warriors move to Earth to protect the Jewels o
-Sailor Moon & Chibi Moon -Eternal edition- [TAMASHII NATION 2019] — AmiAmi English (@AmiAmi_English)October 25, 2019 I had some wild speculation about what the black rectangle in the first image might be concealing but after seeing footage of the event...
This is a review and discussion of the Live Action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon series Act 11, We Got to Meet the Real Minako!, and 12, Sailor V’s True Identity Was The Princess. These episodes introduce us more personally with the character of Minako and reveal Sailor Venus and Artemis ...
Viz has a cheap season 1 set which collects all 46 episodes in Japanese and in English on six discs coming June 14th 2022. Previously Viz had released half season sets for the entire Sailor Moon series. This meant five seasons across ten sets. This new set has a more affordable price ...