Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 1 will be released on June 9th with Part 2 planned for June 30th, Usagi’s birthday. I would have expected a trailer like this showing many scenes which are likely in the second film, to be released only after the first part hits theatres. There is no specific ...
34. 1-34 28 Nov 92 The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears 35. 1-35 05 Dec 92 Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru's Past 36. 1-36 12 Dec 92 Usagi's Confusion: Is Tuxedo Mask Evil? 37. 1-37 19 Dec 92 Let's Become a Princess: Usagi's Bizarre Training 38. 1-...
The Sailor Moon Crystal comparison site! Recent Posts Sailor Moon (classic) – Season 1 Bluray set Where’s The Comparisons? Act 29: Infinity 3 – TWO NEW SOLDIERS Act 28: Infinity 2 – RIPPLES Act 27: Infinity 1, PREMONITION – The Second Part ...
A worldwide theatrical release of the film would certainly be great though the world of movie theatres is in a pretty dismal state right now. Posted in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal (2014) | Tagged Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Animamates, Sailor Chi, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon, Sailor...
#截图拉片#Sailor Moon Crystal S3E12:1.有直子原著保底,东映重置“水晶”篇的角色塑造更具心理深度,小莹被肉体之痛、破碎残生羁绊的伤郁为土星觉醒攒足前调,随着沉紫色氤氲而来的除了撒旦倾世的美颜,还有冷冽...
Sailor Moon Crystal26 characters assigned Sailor Moon Crystal: Season III27 characters assigned Sailor Moon R36 characters assigned Sailor Moon R: The Movie15 characters assigned Sailor Moon S48 characters assigned Sailor Moon S: The Movie24 characters assigned ...
Sailor Moon Cosmos 第五期剧场版剧场版「美少女战士Cosmos」🌙 Qposket系列 永恒土星摆拍 Eternal Sailor Saturn/永恒水手土星 cr by Hotaru72 SAILOR MOON EDITION 🌙 。・゜・。。・゜・。。・゜・。。・゜・。*月...
The two-part film continues on from the Sailor Moon Eternal two-part film, which was released in early 2021 in Japan and on Netflix on June 3 around the world. Eternal continued the Sailor Moon Crystal TV anime series, which is streaming here on Crunchyroll, which...
《美少女战士Cosmos》|终于~最终章到来~|电影预告|2023年夏上映(中字) 2.9万 4 8:42 App 【AMV/美少女战士Crystal-黑色月亮篇】Moon Revenge—桃色幸运草Z(Momoiro Clover Z) 第二季黑月篇剧情向混剪AMV 3.5万 -- 0:58 App 【美少女战士】“新·倩尼迪女王和安迪米欧国王的加冕仪式” 1.3万 9 20:30...
filmSailor Moon Cosmos.The firstSailor Moon Cosmosfilm lands in Japan on June 9 while the second part releases on June 30. To commemorate the release, a brand new trailer featuring the final battle of the series was released today during a special stage for the anime at ...