Well how about human version of the whole cat family including Diana! This is a big deal as this is the first time we see all of the cats in human form in any anime series! Next up is Eternal everybody! There’s a new Holy Grail and then Sailor Moon becomes Eternal Sailor Moon, ...
This is a big deal as this is the first time we see all of the cats in human form in any anime series! Next up is Eternal everybody! There’s a new Holy Grail and then Sailor Moon becomes Eternal Sailor Moon, hence the name of the movies, but beyond that all of the other Sailor...
Responding to Sailor Moon's tears, the seven Rainbow Crystals gather to form the Legendary Silver Crystal, and she is transformed into Serenity, the Moon Princess that everyone has been seeking. Episode 35 (Sub) Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru’s Past Tuxedo Mask is fatally wounded while ...
MOON PODCAST ESCALATION! Sailor Moon fans Jordan D. White, Chris Sims and a cast of guests set out to watch one of the greatest superhero stories of the 20th century, trying to figure out just what the Sailor Senshi's powers are, whether Luna should have a British accent, and just what...
Now, it's up to Sailor Moon, a five-year-old, two cats, and a man in a Tuxedo to save them. Except the man and the cats aren't really much help. Sailor Moon authority Artlee King-Vasquez returns to help us navigate our way through the defeat of Sailor Moon R miniboss, Rubeus!
covered his form. Hair, as golden as the burning star that rose with him, stuck to his misshapen, muzzeless and beakless face, matted with the gore that gave him life. The star that we call Sol rose and hid the stars and faded the moon with it's blinding light. Every plant that ...
精灵(Sprites)/蓖麻(Castor)/Catsor 疼痛降升式-(Catsor-Pain-Fall-Rise-) 秋天4(Fall 4) 疼痛1 gif200px 精灵(Sprites)/蓖麻(Castor)/Catsor 疼痛降升式-(Catsor-Pain-Fall-Rise-) 疼痛1(Pain 1) 疼痛2 gif200px 精灵(Sprites)/蓖麻(Castor)/Catsor 疼痛降升式-(Catsor-Pain-Fall-Rise-) ...
Did you like Human Artemis? Did you enjoy Human Luna (in the first season)? Well how about human version of the whole cat family including Diana! This is a big deal as this is the first time we see all of the cats in human form in any anime series!
Check out the poster and cast for the upcoming Princess Kaguya’s Lover musical with our first look at human Luna Posted on June 1, 2021 The poster and cast information for the upcoming Princess Kaguya’s Lover musical have been released. The post ...
The fifth woman on this page is a female human Artemis! She is credited as “fifth beautiful girl” and is shown nude wearing a tiara adorned with Artemis’s crescent moon. What the exact plan was for this gender bending male cat who transformed into a a female human isn’t clear. ...