The protagonist of Sailor Moon, Usagi Tsukino (Serena in English adaption), an ordinary, ditzy, 14-year-old girl — or so she thinks — discovers a talking cat named Luna, who reveals Usagi's identity as "Sailor Moon", a special warrior with the destiny of saving the planet Earth, and...
In its spread to the international market,Sailor Moonwent through multiple revisions and changes. This was especially true for its North American release in the mid-1990s. Changes included the censorship of nudity, the introduction of Anglicized character names, the adjustment of the ages of chara...
Note: In the mythology the Sailor Senshis' names are derived from, Pluto is the god of Death and Rebirth, whereas Saturn is time and space. There is no known explanation for the mix-up in the names.AdaptationsMangaFile:SMVolume1.jpg The first cover of the Sailor Moon manga, July 1992...
About Sailor Moon Season 1 Blu-Ray Sailor Moon Season 1 contains episodes 1-46 of the anime directed by Junichi Sato and Kunihiko Ikuhara. Usagi Tsukino is a cheerful schoolgirl who often finds herself in unwanted trouble. One day, she saves a talking cat named Luna who gives Usagi a brooc...
Earlier this week I posted about some newly unearthed images which appear to be art from the original planned Sailor V anime series which was ultimately retooled as the Sailor Moon anime we all known and love. I mentioned a few character names but wasn’t sure where those had come from. ...
Other Names アルテミス Wealth 1 1 1 Role Unsorted From Sailor Moon Media Type anime Voiced By Yasuhiro Takato, 高戸靖広, たかと やすひろ Voiced By Youhei Oobayashi, 大林洋平, おおばやし ようへい Voiced By Ron Rubin, , Voiced By Johnny Yong Bosch, , Tags moon, facial mark, ...
- New cover art never before seen in the U.S.!- The original Japanese character names!- Detailed translation notes! This version of Sailor Moon will be completely true to original. Join us as Sailor Moon returns to the U.S. for the first time in years!Naoko Takeuchi...
Other Namesセーラー・ティン・にゃんこ Wealth RoleAntagonist FromSailor Moon Sailor Stars Media Typeanime Voiced ByIkue Otani, 大谷育江, おおたに いくえ Tagscat ears,boots,tights,gloves,tail,collar,bell Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations ...
Earlier this weekI posted about some newly unearthed imageswhich appear to be art from the original planned Sailor V anime series which was ultimately retooled as the Sailor Moon anime we all known and love. I mentioned a few character names but wasn’t sure where those had come from. Twitte...
The Sailor Senshi's civilian names relate to their superhuman roles: the name of Usagi Tsukino is loosely translated as "Rabbit of the Moon" ("usagi" means "rabbit", and "tsuki" means "moon").This pertains to a Japanese folktale about a rabbit that can be seen in the Moon, and also...