In the meantime, it’s possible to speculate about when the Sailor Moon Cosmos release date will occur in the future. May to July is typically considered the best timing for a tentpole film to have a chance at being a blockbuster premiere whereas January and ...
The "final battle" from the original manga series written by Naoko Takeuchi will be turned intoSailor Moon Cosmos. This battle was previously made into the last arc of the originalSailor Moonanime series, which was titled "Sailor Moon Sailor Stars." The first film in the Cosmos franchise will...
Gekijoban Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon Cosmos: Directed by Tomomi Ikeda, Katsuya Shigehara, Yoshifumi Sueda, Tomoya Takahashi, Odahiro Watanabe. With Kotono Mitsuishi, Hisako Kanemoto, Rina Satô, Ami Koshimizu. One by one, Sailor Moon's friends and love
Sailor Cosmos Sailor Heavy Metal... Sailor Vesta Sailor Juno Sailor Pallas Sailor Ceres Noriko Okamachi Misa Wataru Amanogawa Princess Kakyuu CV: Sakiko Tamagawa Doctor Gia Ittou Asanuma Akane Gushiken Sonoko Ijuuin Yuji Kayama 0 Missing Characters Note a Missing Character Vie...
To me this trailer feels like it could be the trailer for Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 2, the second of the two films. Sailor Moon Cosmos Part 1 will be released on June 9th with Part 2 planned for June 30th, Usagi’s birthday. I would have expected a trailer like this showing many scene...
At long last, over a year after their release in theatres in Japan, the Sailor Moon Cosmos films will be coming to Netflix on August 22nd! The poster, which wasposted to Twitter, refers to the movie as “Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie”. No mention of a Part 1 or 2, so I wonder ...
Edit Release date November 26, 2004 (Japan) Country of origin Japan Official site Toei (Japan) Language Japanese Also known as Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Special Act. Filming locations Tokyo, Japan Production companies Cazbe Dentsu Toei Company ...
Cosmos Movie Sailor Guardians Sailor Moon Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Sailor Chibi Moon Sailor Pluto Sailor Uranus Sailor Neptune Sailor Saturn Allies Tuxedo Mask Luna Artemis Diana Phobos and Deimos Helios Sailor Quartet Sailor Ceres Sailor Pall...
It follows the Stars arc of the manga which was recently adapted as the Sailor Moon Cosmos films which have still not received a domestic release. This is the story of the Sailor Starlights, who disguise themselves as the idol group The Three Lights, while they fight Sailor Galaxia and her...
arc' in Sailor Moon R sometimes referred to as the 'Makaiju arc', Diana's late introduction in the anime, the homosexual relationships between Zoisite and Kunzite and Michiru Kaioh and Haruka Tenoh, the personalities of the Ayakashi Sisters and the Witches 5 and the removal of Sailor Cosmos...