The RNYC offered all the things the cruising sailor needs: water, diesel, showers, laundry, nearby shopping, especially for provisions, access to cleaning and repairs, as well as the convenience of a restaurant. Yea! Most of Saturday and Sunday, the 28th and 29th, were spent taking advantag...
The return trip will be different, too. Karen and the boys are still meeting me on the island, however I'm driving back with them. My goal is to show them some of the fantastic places I visit via Donnybrook and get them excited about an extended cruise next year. I'm really looking ...
Just a note from Jamestown, St Helena, where we are currently carrying out some repairs and maintenance after a heavy storm two days out of Walvis Bay. Mailasail has been our only real link to the outside world, and has performed flawlessly in the depths of darkness and storm and in ...