sagging是sag的现在分词 sag 美[sæɡ] 英[sæɡ] n.下垂;垂度;下陷;(物价的)下跌 v.下垂;压弯;(门)成一边高一边低状;(蜡烛等)弯曲 网络松垂;中垂;流挂 过去式:sagged第三人称单数:sags现在分词:sagging 同义词 v. droop,wilt,slump,drop,flag ...
Interest rates were raised to brace up thesaggingdollar. 利率提高了,借以支撑疲软的美元. 辞典例句 The steps weresaggingeven more than ever. 石级比过去更七歪八倒了. 辞典例句 Your skirt issaggingat the back. 你的裙子后面松垂下来了. 辞典例句 ...
:a sagging part thesagin a rope b :a drop or depression below the surrounding area c :an instance or amount of sagging 3 :a temporary decline (as in the price of a commodity) SAG 3 of 3 abbreviation ˈsag Screen Actors Guild ...
词形变化 形容词 saggy 时态 sagged,sagging,sags 英语解释 hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness) 相似短语 resist sagging 防流挂 sagging point 【机】 软化点 sagging price 极度下跌价格 sagging of ceiling 天花下垂 sagging tendency 【经】 下跌趋势, 跌风 sagging market 价格日益下跌...
🏖️度假来点西海岸vibe?丹宁sagging了解一下海军风内衬叠穿Wedgie烟管裤,腰臀比满分💯,小露人鱼腰线超swag,辣到没边!再套上廓形磨破牛仔夹克,丹宁蓝美图直出,野性反差感拉满~戳O网页链接 get同款辣裤。#Levis# Levis超话 #丹宁浪人# #今天穿什么# #时尚穿搭# #早秋穿搭# #换季牛仔穿搭# #sagging#...
当Sagging遇上西部牛仔,视觉效果有多强?Jennie红色格纹系带上衣和牛仔帽西部风格十足,配上超短牛仔裤和一点点内裤边,复古之中带着跳脱的叛逆,笔直的长腿,内裤边与裤边包裹的腰腹,完全是一种不按常理出牌的性感。作为Jennie的心头好,sagging穿搭究竟有什么魔力,出镜率如此之高?滑动查看更多▐ Sagging风的...
If something is sagging, it's drooping down from weight, age, or exhaustion. The sagging ceiling in the kitchen is a clue that there's a leak in the upstairs bathroom plumbing.
Related to sagging: sagging facesag (săg) v. sagged, sag·ging, sags v.intr. 1. To sink, droop, or settle from pressure or weight. 2. To lose vigor, firmness, or resilience: My spirits sagged after I had been rejected for the job. 3. To decline, as in value or price: Stoc...
Irreversible sagging and chronic backache can be the long-term result. 长此以往,可能会导致无法挽回的下垂和慢性背痛。 Skin is lifted and tightened to help visibly diminish sagging and drooping. 提升并紧致眼部肌肤,有效缓解松弛和下垂问题。