Using Sage to Smudge and Bless: an Ancient Tradition Sage is an ancient sacred herb used during sacred ceremonies and smudging rituals. Traditional Native American smudging ceremonies useCalifornia Whites Sage,Dakota Sage, andDesert Sage. Taos Herb Company carries the finest hand-made, wild-crafted,...
The second Patanjali wrote Nidana-Sutras, a comprehensive study on Vedic rituals. The third Patanjali was a well-known Samkhya Philosophy teacher. Commonly he is considered as the incarnation of Ananta and Sesha the serpent, which has a thousand heads and is considered as the leader of the serp...
Valmiki Jayanti Rituals People pay their respects to this renowned saint and poet Valmiki Jayanti. Several processions carrying Valmiki’s portrait are held in various towns and villages. On this day, Hindu devotees worship him fervently. Prayers are offered to his portrait in many places. On...