OtoSet® by SafKan Health First automated ear cleaning device We are out to change things for the millions of Americans like our founder — a biomedical engineer who invented OtoSet® to solve his own problem with ear cleaning. Our Story ...
OtoSet® by SafKan Health First automated ear cleaning device We are out to change things for the millions of Americans like our founder — a biomedical engineer who invented OtoSet® to solve his own problem with ear cleaning. Our Story ...
SafKan Health offers healthcare technology focused on ear care, particularly earwax removal. Its main product, OtoSet, is an automated and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared device that combines irrigation and micro-suction technology to remove impacted earwax safely, effectively, and mess-fr...
不再为清理耳垢烦恼,SafKan Health推出耳机式耳垢清洁器 掏耳朵是个技术活和麻烦事,自己总是无法清理干净,如今美国一家公司发明了一款新颖得耳机式耳垢清洁器,35秒即可自动清理干净耳垢!这款OtoSet是由美过西雅突新创公司SafKan Health的所研发的,其最大特色是,只要戴上它就能在35秒內自动把耳朵馁的耳垢清洗...
SafKan Health公司推出的OtoSet™耳朵清洁系统,专为解决因耳垢导致听力受损而设计。OtoSet是一副在内部带有灌溉和吸头的耳机。这些将水喷到耳道壁上,而不是直接喷向耳鼓,并同时吸出残留物。残留物被收集到一个可丢弃的内置容器中,并与喷头一起更换,每位患者之间使用一个全新的容器。然后使用酒精擦拭布擦拭设备的...
Seattle-based SafKan Health—the developer of OtoSet which is reportedly the first automated and FDA-cleared ear cleaning device for impacted earwax—has announced the appointment of audiology sales veteran Jackie Phillips, AuD, as Vice President of Sales. Dr Phillips brings over 20 years of ...