宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Robot fix Cars 机器人修理汽车 04:17 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Stop the Trouble Maker 阻止麻烦制造者 08:34 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Makeup For Daddy 帮爸爸化妆 02:19 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Baby Outdoor Safety 宝宝户外安全 05:57 宝宝巴...
Cars 5辆怪兽车 02:50 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 A Hardworking Garbage Truck 带病工作的垃圾车 03:57 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Robot fix Cars 机器人修理汽车 04:17 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Stop the Trouble Maker 阻止麻烦制造者 08:34 宝宝巴士BABYBUS英语儿歌动画系列 Makeup For ...
You can also listen to this article via Changing Lanes, the official BMW podcast. Apart from this and other narrated articles, Changing Lanes offers you fresh new episodes every week, packed with exclusive insights on tech, lifestyle, design, cars, and more – brought to you by hosts Sara ...
Safety Tips for International Students2: 交通安全/Traffic Safety 严格遵守交通法规。 Strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations. 中国的城市人流及车流较密集,外出时要注意交通安全。 Since there are large flow of cars and people in u...
Use Your Low Beams in Fog.Turn on your headlights (make sure to use your low beams, not your high beams) in fog, whether you are driving through it at night OR during the day. Your low beam headlights not only help you to see, but also help other cars to see you. It is also ...
Vehicles like the Toyota Corolla and Ford Focus are examples of cars equipped with advanced ABS systems. When driving in the rain, apply steady pressure to the brake pedal. The ABS will modulate the braking force to prevent skidding, ensuring you can steer around obstacles safely....
When you’re driving, always be aware of your surroundings. Here are six tips to help keep you safe on the road. Keep a safe distance from other cars, be aware of your speed, and use turn signals. Always check your mirrors and keep an eye out for pedestrians and cyclists. If you se...
负事故全责. at 11 am on september 26th, near the east intersection of daguan dahu xiyuan north in gongshu district, a student drove an electric bike without wearing a helmet and ran a red light. they collided with two cars, violating traffic ...
Other cars driving too fast for conditions Drivers acting reckless despite road conditions Plow trucks that turn, pull out, or shoot salt Private roadways that aren't cleared of snow or ice Safety Tips for Winter Driving Before Your Drive: ...
Motorcycle commuting is not only fun and challenging, but also handy for parking, faster than cars because of lane filtering... Read More Mark Hinchliffe· Tips/trainingRiding/safety tips·March 21, 2020·2 min read How to avoid hitting other riders Two recent crashes involving riders running...