Safety Keychain Full Set, Self Defense Security Keychain Set With Personal Alarm Protective Keychain Accessories For Women Girls Search by image Find what you love with better prices on AliExpress by using an image search Drag an image here...
Imagine yourself in a dangerous situation and visualize what actions you might take to survive and escape, The key is to address your fears before you are confronted with them. While it is unpleasant to visualize yourself as the victim of a rape, robbery or assault, it's necessary to ...
As a renter, pet-owner, and woman living alone, Katie McEntire takes safety seriously. She’s tested devices like pet cameras, home security systems, and GPS trackers in her own home and devices in the name of safety. In addition to testing, writing, and reviewing for SafeWise, she also...
For long range, pepper spray would be best. A stun gun/taser would be better suited for short range. If you could only have one, then the spray would be the top choice. What’s the difference between a stun gun and a Taser? Simply put, with a Stun gun you would have to ...
When I walk to my car at night (in a parking garage, mind you) I carry a taser, put my keys between my fingers, and have an alarm clipped to my Keychain that I can pull to at least get a headstart. If I'm going camping with friends I have a knife, pepper spray, and my ...