Seeking SafetyforTransition Age Youth(TAY) Seeking Safety is an approach to help people attain safety from trauma/PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) andsubstance abuse. Seeking Safety is a manualized intervention (also available in Spanish), providing both client handouts and guidance for clinicians...
Well, firstly, consider your target audience. Are you making this for younger children, teenagers, or adults? This will dictate the style, tone, and complexity of the information you present. For younger kids, think bright colors, playful characters, and simple messages. Maybe...
Less dramatically, there’s also the possibility that a visually challenged resident will not be able to read certain handouts. “If you’re handing out information, it needs to be in multiple formats. So you can’t hand someone an 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper with 12-point font on ...
Although automobiles remain the mobility method of choice for older adults, late-life cognitive impairment and progressive dementia will eventually impair the ability to meet transport needs of many. There is, however, no commonly utilized method of assessing dementia severity in relation to driving, ...
Does the installation of safety devices in the homes of young children reduce the rate of injuries, compared with provision of handouts alone? Design A nested, prospective, randomized controlled trial. Setting Households in the Cincinnati, Ohio regional area. ...
The new philosophy was intended to end dependency on handouts and prod working-age adults into taking jobs. The tough-love approach worked well enough when the economy ran at full employment. But as layoffs accelerate and hiring dries up, millions of Americans could soon be begging for help....
The video was preferred most, followed by PowerPoint and handouts. Findings suggest that it is important to determine learning topics that are of interest to older adults so instructional materials can be developed, made available, accessible, and tailored to the expressed needs of elderly ...
formal housing, adjacent to the large formerly Indian township Verulam and another older RDP estate, Waterloo, meant a localised increase in competition over scarce job opportunities, poorer access to work, and a resultant growing reliance on food handouts from local religious and governance ...