1.本外观设计产品的名称:保险箱箱体(2010-3). 1. The name of the product design: safe box (2010-3). 2.本外观设计产品的用途:属于保险箱配件,主要用作保险箱的外壳. 2. The use of product design: are safe accessories, mainly used as a safe enclosure. 3.本外观设计的设计要点在于形状. 3. ...
项目五保险箱服务(SafetyDepositBox).ppt,项目五 保险箱服务 (Safety Deposit Box);保险箱管理;三、引领客人 将客人指引到贵重物品保险箱门口,而后我们从另一个入口进入。 四、向客人解释条款 如:所存放的贵重物品总价值不能超过酒店规定的数额,我们保险箱的钥匙只有
Safety deposit box: a strong locked box for storing valuables. 保险柜: 用于保存贵重物品的,有坚固的锁的箱子. 互联网 I suggest you use thesafety deposit box. 建议您使用保险箱. 互联网 Kappler keeps both medals in a safety - deposit box. ...
项目五保险箱服务SafetyDepositBox2022/5/27保险箱管理一、客人来到前台时向客人问候 “早上/下午/晚上好,XX先生/小姐,我能为您做些什么?”二、核查客人的房号和姓名 客人在前台要求保险箱服务时,礼貌地告诉客人房间内有保险箱,室内保险箱对客人更方便一点。如果客人坚持要使用则向客人确定是否为在住客人,酒店大堂...
1、项目五保险箱服务SafetyDepositBox保险箱管理保险箱管理一、客人来到前台时向客人问候一、客人来到前台时向客人问候 “早上/下午/晚上好,XX先生/小姐,我能为您做些什么?”二、核查客人的房号和姓名二、核查客人的房号和姓名 客人在前台要求保险箱服务时,礼貌地告诉客人房间内有保险箱,室内保险箱对客人更方便一点...
• Her solicitor had said it might fit a safety-deposit box at the Venetian bank.• The old woman had a safety-deposit box in a bank somewhere, but Zbigniew did not know where.• He kept the film in his safety-deposit box.
If someone wants to secret away a highly personal item, there is likely no better protection than a safety deposit box. Although there is no standard list of things that must be kept in a safety deposit box, there are many items that could benefit from deposit protection. These include ...
Safety Deposit Box Benefits Discreetly located in heart of Sydney and Perth CBD, Custodian Vaults is a purpose built high-tech facility Privately owned with no ties to banking and government bodies A multi-layered approach to security including bio-metric identification and overseen 24/7 by licence...
boxn.[C] 1.箱;盒;匣 2.一箱(或一盒、一匣)的容量 3.箱(或盒、匣)状物 4.(戏院、运动场等处的)包厢;(法院里的)陪审席;证人席;记者席;(餐馆的)分割式雅座,单间 5.(b safe depositn. 保险仓库 a. 保藏的 box in特异型制品装窑法,加边框线 ...
Even though she succeeds in taking all of the money from thesafety deposit box, she is arrested by the FBI as a material witness. 即使她成功将她那份钱取出银行,但还是作为重要证人被FBI拘捕。 WikiMatrix Anonymous transactions were forbidden in any relationships, including an agreement to establish...