Download our free Forklift Safety Checklist. We have lists for electric forklifts, internal combustion, pallet jacks and narrow aisle checklists in both English and Spanish.
A forklift inspection checklist helps prevent accidents, reduces downtime caused by improper maintenance, and extends the life of the equipmentWhat Must Be Done Daily Before Using A Forklift We’ve put together a detailed forklift safety checklist, broken down into visual items, operational items, a...
Forklift Safety Articles Forklift Safety Procedures Forklifts are powerful tools that have transformed the way industrial facilities work. With such a powerful tool comes the risk of injury. This article outlines how to increase forklift safety. Floor Marking for Factories Factories are busy, active ...
Appropriate gear is essential for your warehouse safety checklist, including: Hard hats Steel-toed boots Gloves High-visibility vests Regularly inspect PPE to make sure it is in good condition. Also check to make sure it fits and is being used correctly. 4. Safe Lifting Techniques Train workers...
Is there a checklist that explains specific tasks such as engaging the parking brake, turning the forklift off, removing the key, and so on? Supervisors and managers need to not only educate drivers on these rules, but they also have to enforce them fairly across the board. ...
Ensure your workplace is safe from hazards with this comprehensive checklist. GET THE CHECKLIST Don’t Be Complacent About Office Safety Some business owners may think safety can be a distant focus because their office has two steps to the parking lot, tons of carpet, and no equipment more co...
+ Lift truck inspection using the operator daily checklist + Safe travel practices throughout the workplace + Requirements for operating on docks and ramps Pedestrian Safety Training The Smart Way to Execute Material Handling Efforts We have gone beyond developing a training program for just the oper...
Discover the best forklift training app to train your operator about the basics of forklift operation, safety tips, and regulations.
This forklift attachment allows you to care for your parking, loading and working areas and improve traction and stability for forklifts and other machinery or vehicles moving in the area. Part of any forklift safety checklist should be making sure any attachments are firmly attached and the corres...
SAFETYINSPECTIONCHECKLIST DEPARTMENT:Date:HOUSEKEEPING(货物的摆放)YES NO N/A Comments/CorrectiveActionDate Nonconformance Level Rawmaterialstockedwithnodangerousoverhangsorprotrusions.原材料摆放无具有危险性的伸出或突出FinishedGoodsneatandorderlywithnodangerousoverhangsorprotrusions.成品摆放整齐无具有危险性的伸出或...