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Local residents were happy to see it go, complaining that it drew homeless people and pollution. And had no interest in a replacement since they could cross the freeway at Louise Avenue. Which is fine, if you’re in a car. For people on foot or bikes, that means a long and dangerous...
The rest of us know that never in the history of the world, not even the calmest, has there been a time when a leader could guarantee safety, health and contentment to everyone. There will always be poor, unloved, suffering people. You can’t help that. You behave in a way you help...
Volvo Aktiebolaget, major Swedish brand and manufacturer of buses, trucks, construction equipment, and related products. Headquarters are in Gothenburg. Volvo was created in 1926 as a wholly owned subsidiary of AB Svenska Kullagerfabriken and became an independent corporation in 1935. Its original busi...