I like that these rolls don’t break into big chunks. As the dog chews, they get soft, and the dogs are able to nibble tiny pieces off of them. I’ve never had a choking incident with a beef cheek roll, and I’ve been giving them to my dogs regularly for over two years. Becaus...
Plus, I know that most peopledon’tdo this… but I try to make it clear to my dogs that dog toys (especially plush toys and dog toys with movable parts) are to be played with gently, while dog chews can be gnawed on relentlessly. That way, the toys in our house last a lot longer...
5 minutes a day.Healthier Dog. Get important health plans from vets & experts. It’s natural and it’s free. Joanne Keenan Joanne is a writer on the Dogs Naturally Content Team. For 20 years, she’s been committed to maintaining a multi-dog household reared on raw meat, whole foods an...
if you really care about your dog’s health, Canned food isn’t the best choice for them. In order to provide proper nutrition for their dogs, people should try and get them on a raw diet. This way they can easily adjust their dogs’ diet according...