They tackle issues that many sex ed lessons do not, such as sexual identity, date rape, power dynamics, and the realities of anal sex and withdrawal as sexual practices. A must read!”Pat Paluzzi, DrPHPresident/CEO of Healthy Teen Network “Teaching Safer Sex is the most comprehensive,...
This chapter explores the creation and dissemination of lesbian safer-sex as an idea and set of practices between 1980 and 2000 in Britain. The chapter considers how lesbian safer-sex was defined, discussed, and practiced by drawing on textual sources which disseminated and contested new knowledge ...
Rider education: Emphasis on training and responsible riding practices. 2. Wisconsin and Kansas Wisconsin and Kansas also saw significant decreases in motorcycle fatalities, with reductions of 28% and 24%, respectively. These states have implemented measures such as: Comprehensive helmet laws: Encoura...
2023; Haga et al.,2022; Wu et al.,2023) and within the wider management literature (Qian et al.,2023b; Shi et al.,2022). Our findings illuminate a novel antecedent of managerial commitment to workplace safety—CEO reflexivity regarding the...
Acknowledging a coworker or employee for doing their job in a safe manner not only boosts morale and fosters a positive work environment but also reinforces the importance of safe practices and encourages continued vigilance in maintaining a safe workplace for all. ...
Containment, software, training and other precautions allow embedded or enclosed lasers to move into new applications. Hiding your light under a bushel isn’t always a bad thing, contrary to the advice in the old proverb. A case in point can be found in lasers, where low-cost systems are ...
January 5, 2023 Hello, It’s a good time of year for turning over a new leaf! Resilience through Mindfulness is a celebration of renewal, bouncing back from adversity, and digging into mindfulness practices and principles that are supportive of this. ...
Building AI-powered applications requires careful attention to responsible development practices. This blog shares our experience implementing AI safety...
Business Practices, Economics, and Policy Promoting EDI in Genetics Research PTSD and Cardiovascular Disease Red Blood Cell Transfusion: 2023 AABB International Guidelines Reimagining Children’s Rights in the US Spirituality in Serious Illness and Health The US Medicaid Program: Coverage, Finan...
Dedicated teams of Data Protection Offices apply best practices and carry out ongoing audits to protect the Group’s information. In 2023, more than 1,000 technical audits and 100,000 automated audits were carried out. Our commitments are also relayed to our subcontractors and partners. Find out...