(1)SaferInternetDayiscelebratedinthe ___monthofayear.A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.last(2)What'sthesecondparagraphmainlyabout? ___A.Greatthingsaboutbeingonline.B.Differentsocialmedia.C.Goodthingsanddangersonline.D.Unkindmessagesonline.(3)Whichofthefollowingcanbeputinthe"▲"? ___A.Don'tgiveanypersona...
阅读理解Safer Internet Day is in February every year.On this day, people from all over the world take part in activities. I.On Safer Internet Day in the UK, children read stories, watch films,make posters and have discussions about how to stay safe online. 2.If you see something bad. ...
SID Committee organizesvarious activities on Safer Internet Day to make the day fruitful and increase its reach across the world. Some of the common activities that they plan for Safer Internet Day are; Awareness campaigns in media using video clips, social media campaigns, songs, posters, and ...
Use Safer Internet Day to reinforce Online Safety Messages Safer Internet Dayis a great opportunity to really put a spotlight on online safety in your school. But remember, anything you choose to do on the 5th February should form part of ongoing coverage of online safety issues. Make sure p...
The Toolkit contains brochures, videos, posters, Microsoft PowerPoint templates with speaker notes, and more. Although Safer Internet Day is only once a year, regularly take action to safeguard your digital world. Use and share these additional ideas to educate yourself and o...
Safer Internet Day is in Febrmary eversyear. On thus day, people in around 170 countries tak part in activities. 36 On Safer In make posters and have discussions yinthe K, a, ,37 how to st a sate nle. Hee are some电ng ed deas.is being bullied (5or大风wthat someone. Don't me ...
Safer Internet Day is in February every year.On this day,people in around 170 countries take part in activities.(1)COn Safer Internet Day in the UK,children read stories,watch films,make posters and have discussions about how to stay safe online.(2)A ☑If you see something bad,tell an...
1. Safer Internet Day is celebrated in the ___ month of a year. A.firstB.secondC.thirdD.last 2. What’s the second paragraph mainly about? A.Great things about being online. B.Different social media. C.Good things and dangers online. D.Unkind ...
During the protest, some “extremely angry lesbians” from ACT UP New York graffitied the offending THT posters with the word “SHAME”, and activists from THT and ACT UP engaged in a shouting match, arguing over the limits, risks, and definitions of lesbian safer-sex.Footnote42ACT UP penne...
Reducing alcohol use during pregnancy via health counseling by midwives and internet-based computer-tailored feedback: a cluster randomized trial. J Med Internet Res. 2014;16(12):e274. Article Google Scholar Evans W, Nielsen PE, Szekely DR, Bihm JW, Murray EA, Snider J, Abroms LC. Dose...