SafeNet eToken 5100是一款采用高级智能卡技术的便携式双因素验证USB令牌。该令牌采用基于证书的技术,可以在智能卡芯片的受保护环境中生成并存储证书,例如私钥、密码和数码证书。 马上行动,了解启用SafeNet eToken 5100将获得的受益。 使用SafeNet eToken 5100可获得的功能 SafeNet eToken 5100 是一款采用高级智能卡技术...
Workaround: Install the native video card driver and select the default theme. Summary: Upgrading from SAC 8.3 to SAC 9.0 (while a token is connected with Smart Card Logon, MS certificate or SNL profile), caused the session to automatically disconnect during the upgrade process, and the SAC...
Workaround: Install the native video card driver and select the default theme. Summary: Upgrading from SAC 8.3 to SAC 9.0 (while a token is connected with Smart Card Logon, MS certificate or SNL profile), caused the session to automatically disconnect during the upgrade process, and the SAC...
通过SafeNet 身份认证开发工具,SafeNet eToken 5100 可以与第三方应用程序无缝集成,支持 SafeNet PKI 和密码管理应用程序与软件开发工具,允许通过板载 Java 小程序自定义应用程序和拓展功能。此外,SafeNet Authentication Manager也支持该 eToken 5100,通过精简所有身份认证操作(包括部署、置备、注册、不间断的维护以及为丢失...
SafeNet Authentication Client customers who are planning to upgrade to MAC OS Yosemite 10.10, should be advised that there is currently a driver incompatibility preventing recognition of SafeNet eToken 5100 and eToken PRO tokens. To overcome this issue, please refer to Tech Note TE1542 on SafeNet...