behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child; possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with childrenMay...
Graffham Global, a leader in accredited Safeguarding training since 2007. Trusted by schools, colleges, youth organisations and premier league sports in the UK
Keeping Children Safe in Education is a vital part of safeguarding policy and procedures for education settings. On this page you will learn more about this important statutory guidance from the DfE. You will also find additional support that will help your school to comply with the guidance; he...
Confidentiality and procedures in the policy will be followed. The DP will support any process as outlined in this policy. 在出现任何安全保卫方面的问题时,应该根据如下所述的报告流程进行报告。在报告过程中还必须遵守保密责任以及相关的流程要求。指定人员将为本政策中列出的任何流程提供支持。 College ...
The Department of Education (DfE) maintains the KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) document. This document sets out statutory safeguarding requirements for schools and colleges and is updated annually. The school has a clear policy on Safeguarding based on the KCSIE document. The policy is...
Safeguarding is a whole school responsibility which means every teacher should know how to safeguard children and what good safeguarding in schools looks like. Safeguarding and promoting welfare includes: Ensuring children grow up in circumstances that provide them with safe and effective care. ...
A Guide for Schools on Preventing and Responding to AI-Generated Image Exploitation. More Information and Guidance Training Educating professionals to keep those in their care safer online. learn more Tech & Apps Software with one clear ethos at its heart; to make people safer. ...
Head of Service Engagement and Safer Schools Jonathon Head of Software Development Lynne Executive Lead for Innovation and Partnerships Sharon Business Manager Tory Head of Content and Creative Visual Design Ineqe Geeks Aisling Creative Designer
Our responsibilities under this policy Reed Business School and Reed Learning take the responsibility to safeguard learners very seriously. We do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment (includes cyber or social media bullying), learners should always feel safe whilst attending learning in pers...
Red Frogs provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather, educating them on safe partying behaviours, and providing alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.