behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child; possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates s/he is unsuitable to work with childrenMay...
Social Media Safety: Tips for Staying Safe Online Sep 15, 2023 RAAC cement in schools: Risks to children, new DfE guidance Sep 06, 2023 Independent school governors: How often should they be retrained in... Sep 05, 2023 Balancing the Scales: The Promise and Perils of AI in Safeguarding ...
Keeping Children Safe in Education is a vital part of safeguarding policy and procedures for education settings. On this page you will learn more about this important statutory guidance from the DfE. You will also find additional support that will help your school to comply with the guidance; he...
3.1 When staff join our school they will be informed of the safeguarding children arrangements in place. They will be given a copy of this policy, the school's code of conduct and the leaflet 'Safer Working Practice for Staff in Education Settings' and told who the DSL is and who acts ...
KCSIE and our Safeguarding Policy The Department of Education (DfE) maintains the KCSIE (Keeping Children Safe in Education) document. This document sets out statutory safeguarding requirements for schools and colleges and is updated annually. The school has a clear policy on Safeguarding based on ...
8. SAFEGUARDING IN SCHOOL 8. 校内安装保卫 As well as ensuring that we address child protection concerns, we will also ensure that children and young people who attend the school are kept safe from harm whilst they are in our charge. To this end, this Safeguarding Policy must be seen in ...
But, Strauss explains, “KCSIE does not set out in any detail a process for how to run an investigation or how to interview children. So really, schools have nowhere to go for that guidance”. The document that does include that guidance, outlining best practice for interviewing victims an...
In 2023’s Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE), these include: Child Protection Policy Behaviour Policy Staff Behaviour Policy (sometimes called a Code of Conduct) Safeguarding Responses to Absent Children The Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead So, what are the most common outcomes ...
It is our aim to support each girl and boy through their life at Clifton College. OurSafeguarding And Protecting Children Policyhas been developed, in line with government guidance and adopted to support our aim. The College has a responsibility to create a culture of safe recruitment, which we...
policy defines our approach to safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk, as well as our Prevent duty. It clarifies the terminology used and outlines our responsibilities under this policy. Our commitment is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all learners and co-members by ...