Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 1 Introduction 1.1 At Charnock Hall Primary School we believe that the health, safety and well-being of all our children are of paramount importance to all the adults who work in our school. Our children have the right to protection, regardless of...
For example, they recall a time when a child made “a disclosure of sexual abuse in front of the class during carpet time”, a situation in which the teacher had to consider the fact there were 29 other children present. The DSL argues the appropriate response in that scenario would ...
consultants, advisors; interns and volunteers (referred to in this Policy as “Gurls Talk Personnel”).• In addition, Gurls Talk partners should ensure that safeguarding policies are in place for the project and that the levels of protection for children and vulnerable adults...
including co-members and sub-contractors, understands our safeguarding measures for learners, particularly those at risk of radicalisation and potential involvement in terrorist activities. This policy defines our approach to safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk,...
11. Proactively develop and maintain collaborative working and link with relevant diocesan personnel, for example, those responsible for children’s work, youth work, clergy and lay workers and as well with colleagues in other dioceses and the NST. 12. Attend national and regional briefings and ...
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a critical analysis of the changes in child protection policy and practice in England since the publication of my original chapter in Thatcher's Children? in 1996 (Parton 1996). In doing so, I will be drawing on a number of articles and books ...
Safeguarding and child protection procedures aredetailed guidelines and instructions that support your overarching safeguarding policy statement. They explain the steps that your organisation will take to keep children and young people safe and what to do when there are concerns about a child's safety ...
Whether you have a newborn or an older child, creating a safe home environment and ensuring the safety of your children should be a top priority. In this article, we have advice and tips on childproofing your home and understanding home safety basics. By
In this Child Protection and Safeguarding Handbook, we have set out our policies for safeguarding to protect children and young people, to ensure that our tutoring is always conducted in a positive, secure, accepting and nurturing environment. We are committed to reviewing our policy and good ...
Avoid one-to-one situations with children whenever possible; Operate an open door policy whenever reasonable to do so; Retain a professional approach to children, including avoiding physical contact with a child; If a child does try to hug you, quickly disengage from physical contact; ...