The book also explores different ways of working with parents and the role of early years settings and practitioners in helping to keep children safe. It includes chapters on: * Childcare policy and services * Planning spaces for ... S Jackson,E Goldschmied,R Forbes - People Under Three: Pla...
Written by a multi-disciplinary team who have a wealth of experience in safeguarding and child protection, the early years foundation stage, health visiting, social work, the police, and in leading and managing services, this timely new text is essential reading for all those working with young...
Safeguarding and Protecting Children in the Early Years in safeguarding and child protection, the early years foundation stage, health visiting, social work, the police, and in leading and managing services, this timely new text is essential reading for all those working with young children... J...
It is important to recognize that aspirational budgets do not always translate into actual spending. To the extent possible, the FP Analytics research team pulled from “actual” figures for past years, meant to reflect the true value that each entity ultimately received or spent. However, “proj...
The safeguarding lead will usually decide whether to make a referral to children’s social care; for early years practitioners, the Early Years Foundation Stage sets out that providers should ensure that they have a practitioner who is designated to take a lead responsibility for safeguarding ...
Techniques of intervention with victims of abuse and those who abuse are in comparatively early stages of development, although in recent years there has been progress in the production of policies and procedures for healthcare and social care professionals. A number of national and international ...
(C) Estimates of contraceptive prevalence (any method and modern methods) for women aged 15–49 years in 2015. (D) Population density of people living with HIV (density per 5 km × 5 km pixel resolution). The gendered impact of COVID-19, threatening sexual and reproductive health COVID-...
Through our work we aim to ensure a safe learning and working environment for students, staff, parents and visitors alike. We take our responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection very seriously. Where there are safeguarding concerns, staff communicate this to the school’s ...
The features and benefits of safeguarding software for schools are dependent on their specialism. Here are some of the most popular safeguard software categories, along with their corresponding features and benefits: Case Management Report Generation and Customisation: Automatically generate reports for in...
Lastly, introducing these safety measures early on cultivates a sense of responsible digital citizenship in children. It teaches them the importance of online safety and privacy, preparing them for a future where digital literacy is key. In essence, parental controls are not just tools for security...