Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults Information Sharing AgreementWhere data needs to be shared in order to fulfil statutory requirements, but does not comply with the DPA, these requests will be considered and approved by theappropriate Caldicott Guardians or Senior Information...
We have a team of experts from education, health, social care, criminal justice and (current) statutory inspection to support you in providing a safe environment for children, young people and adults at risk by: providing specialist and experienced consultants to audit and scrutinise safeguarding ar...
Safeguarding continues to be a high priority and Spire Healthcare is committed to safeguarding adults, children, young people and looked after children. All healthcare staff have a duty to recognise and respond to safeguarding children or adults issues. Safeguarding is a range of activities from pr...
By adhering to the club’s policies, procedures and best practice, the club enables children, young people and adults at risk to participate in any club activity in an enjoyable, safe and inclusive environment. This equally applies to the safety and security of those working with and who are...
Safeguarding The care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the Church We are committed to: - Promoting a safer environment and culture...
Safeguarding Children and Adults. 7.1 Service Providers on the DPSApproved Listwill beresponsible fortransporting some of the most vulnerable children,young peopleand adults inthe borough, sometimes for long distances. 7.2 The Service Provider has aduty of careforthe peoplethey transport and is respons...
The Leeds United Foundation has established policies and procedures to deliver its safeguarding aims, which are: To promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children / young people and adults at risk. To ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding...
Our promise to the children, families and adults at risk who use our services: We aim to provide all children and young people who visit our premises and use our services with a safe, enjoyable and stimulating experience while ensuring that, as far as possible, they are properly safeguarded...
Adverse Childhood Experiences: What are ACEs and how do they Affect Children, Young People and Adults? Read more Read more Child Protection vs Safeguarding: What is the difference? Read more Read more Raising awareness of child-on-child abuse Read more Read more Keeping children safe in...
St Laurence Church takes the welfare of all people seriously and is committed to the safeguarding of children and adults. The Parochial Church Council has adopted the national Church of England’s policy for children, young people and adults, ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ – details of which can...