4.5 Safe RLHF PPO 算法实现流程 4.6 Safe RLHF PPO Loss 4.6.1 Safe RLHF Actor Loss 4.6.2 Safe RLHF Critic Loss 4.7 PTX loss 5. 结论 我是小冬瓜AIGC,原创超长文知识分享,已帮助多名同学速成上岸LLM赛道研究方向:LLM、RLHF、Safety、Alignment、LLM加速 0. Pre-Requirement 本文需要具备系统的LLM知识...
1. In the context of RLHF, the "Preference Model" is identified as the "Reward Model". And the "Preference Model" refers to both the "Reward Model" and the "Cost Model" in Safe RLHF. 2. There is an example for reward model training in the examples directory in the trlX repository...
Safe RLHF: Constrained Value Alignment via Safe Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback - safe-rlhf/safe_rlhf/models/pretrained.py at main · PKU-Alignment/safe-rlhf
For the successful implementation of driverless cars, models trained on human feedback is a prerequisite. The role of RLHF training is key to building safe AI applications. With human feedback, models can learn a great deal about how to handle road situations, like following traffic guidelines,...
结果,以LLM RLHF对齐来说,通常会看RLHF之后sample时Safety Reward的分值证明对齐有效性 3.6 Safe RLHF-PPO形式 此时分别写出使用Reward和Cost的PPO Loss LRSafeRL(θ;DPrompt)LCSafeRL(θ;DPrompt)=−Ex∽DPrompt,y∽πθ(y∣x)[Et[min(ρt(θ)A^rt^,clip(ρt(θ),1−ϵ,1+ϵ))A^rt^]]...
Beaver is a large language model based on LLaMA, trained using safe-rlhf. It is developed upon the foundation of the Alpaca model, by collecting human preference data related to helpfulness and harmlessness and employing the Safe RLHF technique for training. While maintaining the helpful ...
Files main .github docs images safe_rlhf scripts .deepspeed_env11 .dockerignore .editorconfig .flake8 .gitattributes .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml .pylintrc CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Dockerfile LICENSE Makefile README.md conda-recipe.yaml
Safe RLHF: Constrained Value Alignment via Safe Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback - safe-rlhf/safe_rlhf/evaluate/reward.py at main · PKU-Alignment/safe-rlhf
safe_rlhf scripts .deepspeed_env11 .dockerignore .editorconfig .flake8 .gitattributes .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml .pylintrc CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Dockerfile LICENSE Makefile README.md conda-recipe.yaml pyproject.toml requirements.txt script.sh setup.pyBreadcrumbs safe-rlhf / conda-recipe.yaml...
Files main .github docs images safe_rlhf scripts .deepspeed_env11 .dockerignore .editorconfig .flake8 .gitattributes .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml .pylintrc CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Dockerfile LICENSE Makefile README.md conda-recipe.yaml