Immersed waveguidesSAFE-PMLInviscid fluidUltrasonic guided wave is an important non-destructive tool for large area inspections of immersed structures as well as fluid characterizations. In this paper, a numerical tool is developed for the modal study of immersed waveguides with arbitrary cross sections...
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医学界顶级天才顾初暖穿越了,还悲催的中了只有男人才能解的毒。 为了保住狗命,她半路拉了一个重伤的美男解毒。 “睡一觉而已,你又不亏。” 她说得理直气壮,却把他气得差点昏死。 混蛋,他堂堂战神,竟让一个来历不明的女人给染指了,最恼人的是,她还摇头晃脑的点评,“技术太差,有待进步。” 很好,这桩梁...
Zuo, PengYu, XudongFan, ZhengNDT AND E INTERNATIONALZuo P, Yu X and Fan Z 2017 Numerical modeling of embedded solid waveguides using SAFE-PML approach using a commercially available finite element package NDT & E Int. 90 11-23
"Obviously, in the older populations you have other confounding factorsdoi:10.1097/01.COT.0000559636.07627.06Holt, ChuckOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Oncology Times