Define safe working load. safe working load synonyms, safe working load pronunciation, safe working load translation, English dictionary definition of safe working load. In sea operations, the maximum load that can be safely applied to a fitting, and nor
Define Safesex. Safesex synonyms, Safesex pronunciation, Safesex translation, English dictionary definition of Safesex. also safer sex n. Sexual activity with precautions taken to avoid acquiring or spreading a sexually transmitted disease, as by use of
However,whilethedefinitionforworkingloadlimitwasoriginallyconfinedexclusivelytothe manufacturer’sspecifiedmaximumloadthattheitemcouldlift,itisnowgenerallyextendedto includebothofthefollowing: •themaximumloadthatanitemcanlift; •themaximumloadthatanitemcanliftinaparticularconfigurationorapplication. IftheWLLis...
Definition Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15.0.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.15.0 v17.12.40392 Overloads 展開表格 SafeIUnknown() Microsoft internal use only. SafeIUnknown(SafeIUnknown) Microsoft internal use only. SafeIUnknown(Int...
I got really far with this approach and had it working. However, for files, I found it clunky. Namely: When reading, I had to get the size of the file first so I knew when thereadabilityHandlergot called the last time. A lot of sample code assumes that theavailableDatawill beisEmpty...
Javascript PROCESS_INFORMATION ProgressControl RegistryHelper Retry SafeDispatcher SafeDispatcher Constructors Methods BeginInvoke Dispose Invoke InvokeAsync Events SafeDispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs SafeNativeMethods ScriptLibrary TabItemHeader UnhandledExceptionEventHandler ...
The Windows programming platform offers a convenient ready-to-use data structure that can be used for that purpose: the SAFEARRAY, whose definition can be found on the Windows Dev Center ( Basically, the SAFEARRAY data structure describes a particular instance of a safe array...
Working to adhere to a durable legal framework for counterterrorism operations and bringing terrorists to justice Key goals of The Strategy are to: • Protect the American people and American interests around the globe • Build a culture of resilience • Disrupt, degrade, dismantle and defeat...
Define safeness. safeness synonyms, safeness pronunciation, safeness translation, English dictionary definition of safeness. adj. saf·er , saf·est 1. a. Free from danger or injury; undamaged or unhurt: He returned from the voyage safe and sound. b. Not