询问工作健康与安全请联系:新南威尔士州 新州工作安全局(SafeWork NSW) 网站: .au 电子邮件: contact@.au 电话: 13 10 50 维多利亚州 维州工作安全局(WorkSafe Victoria) 网站: .au 电子邮件: Info@.au 电话: 1800 136 089 (free call) 昆士兰州 昆州工作场所健康与安全局(Workplace Health and Safety ...
School of Arts and Media, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia Zahra Stardust Editor information Editors and Affiliations Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan Catherine Dale Media, Film and Communication, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand ...
The National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Worksafe Australia, is a tripartite body established by the Commonwealth Government to develop, facilitate and implement a national approach to occupational health and safety. The National Commission comprises representatives of the peak employee and ...
inaccordancewithSafeWorkAustralia 1.Productidentifier&identityforthechemical Productidentifier Grass-upHerbicide(AgriculturalHerbicide) Chemicalname 300g/LTRICLOPYRpresentasthebutoxyethylester 100g/LPICLORAMpresentashexyloxypropylaminesalt Othermeansof Identification ...
The NSW Government has doubled penalties and prison terms under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 as part of a suite of measures to create safer workplaces across the state. Despite an Australia-wide ban on the manufacture, use and importation of asbestos coming into force in 2004 asbestos...
The impact of homophobia and heterosexism on the e/quality of schooling experiences for many students and teachers in Australia places a responsibility on teacher education institutions to incorporate anti-homophobia and anti-heterosexist education in their courses. This discussion, based on research und...
"These guys saved me 4 demerit points while driving in country NSW! I was driving 100km/h, looking closely on the app to make sure I did not exceed my speed limit. This was during the long weekend. Suddenly, a car overtook me doing 110km/h. Next thing I know, a police car hiding...
Applications are submitted to the NSW Firearms Registry, and applicants must demonstrate a genuine need, such as protection due to civil unrest or warfare. South Australia: The Summary Offences Act 1953 prohibits the manufacture, supply, possession, and use of body armor without an exemption from ...
NSW 2000 GPO Box 58 Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: (02) 265 7555 Facsimile: (02) 265 7538 Telex: 177243 Printed in Australia by Alken Press Pty. Ltd. - Smithfield iii Foreword___ The National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Worksafe Australia, is a tripartite body established by the Com...
Tele Radio Australia: Sales & Support Office Sydney C/O WOTSO Level 1/5 George St North Strathfield NSW 2137 +61-(0)459 990 976 sales@teleradio.com.au Diego Mornoy Solution Sales WA d.monroy@tele-radio.com Tele Radio Australia: Sales & Support Office Suite 34, 5A Hartnett Close Mulg...