【论文阅读】Safe Trajectory Generation for Complex Urban Environments Using Spatio-Temporal Semantic Corridor 有一篇可以参考的https://blog.csdn.net/u011841848/article/details/123173791 这篇文章代码在https://github.com/HKUST-Aerial-Robotics/spatiotemporal_semantic_corridor,有空要复现一下。 摘要:先定义什么...
Seed generation: 类似于图a, seed的生成是通过把behavior planning的state 映射到slt空间中形成的。保证刚刚开始的seed 是不和任何物体产生碰撞的。在seed 周边生成corridor 的目的是对free space 进行建模。 Cube inflation withboundary: 类似于图b,c,通过对seed 进行slt方向轮流膨胀,直到slt方向与障碍物产生碰撞。
本文解析Gradient-Based Online Safe Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Flight in Complex Environments, Fei Gao, Yi Lin and Shaojie Shen. 文章对于轨迹规划的思路是基于梯度下降法进行迭代求解的。与论文推土机:Continuous-Time Trajectory Optimization for Online UAV Replanning中的方法比较相似。文章的abstract如下:...
F. Gao, Y. Lin, and S. Shen, "Gradient-based online safe trajectory generation for quadrotor flight in complex environments," in Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intell. Robots and Syst.(IROS), Sept 2017, pp. 3681-3688.
Planning safe trajectories for autonomous vehicles in complex urban environments is challenging since there are numerous semantic elements (such as dynamic agents, traffic lights and speed limits) to consider. These semantic elements may have different mathematical descriptions such as obstacle, constraint ...
What Is Next:The code for the dependencies of this planner is comming soon! 1. Introduction This is the project page for the paper''Safe Trajectory Generation for Complex Urban Environments Using Spatio-temporal Semantic Corridor''which is published at IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)...
Online Safe Trajectory Generation For QuadrotorsUsing Fast Marching Method and Bernstein Basis Polyn,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
A set of data is collected for experiments when an object vehicle takes a sudden left turn in intersection scenario. To compare the experiment results between IMM method with trajectory generation model and the one without, tracking error of the former decreases by 75% in particular scenario.doi...
Gradient-Based Online Safe Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Flight in Complex Environments,Fei Gao, Yi Lin and Shaojie Shen Video of this paper can be foundhere. If you use this generator for your academic research, please cite our related paper. ...
本文解析Online Safe Trajectory Generation For Quadrotors UsingFast Marching MethodandBernstein Basis Polynomial,Fei Gao, William Wu, Yi Lin and Shaojie She。在之前我们的几篇文章解析中提及使用bezier曲线作为轨迹规划的表达形式,这个方法最大的好处是利用了bezier曲线的特性,使得对曲线的高阶导数的约束可以直接...