Safe Infant Sleep (invited panel presentation)Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksTrina C. Salm WardWelty, C., McGuinness, D., Uschold, M., Gruninger, M., and Lehmann, F. 1999. Ontologies: Expert Systems all over again? AAAI-1999 Invited Panel Presentation. Available at http://www.cs...
read brief "Make it safe" interview The Make it Safe Police Officer InitiativePowerpoint Presentation Click for the "Make it Safe" Powerpoint Presentation The Make it Safe Police Officer Initiative and Concerns for Fitness for Duty Asking for help does not mean "unfit for duty" So...
Lack of sleep has been linked to industrial disasters, vehicle crashes, and other occupational errors. This infographic lists 10 simple tips to help you stay alert and safe at work. Take a look and see which ones you can add to your workday. (A solution might be as simple as drinking ...
Display Powerpoint (.pptx) on Web Page Display powerpoint presentation in webform using client's PowerPoint app? Display success Message box in using c# Display Successfull Log-Out message in log-in page to user after he clicks log-out link button? Display Time and Date in...
The researcher provided training on the topic by using a PowerPoint presentation and a training video. The posttest was administered to the mothers after the training. One month after the training, follow-up tests were administered to the mothers who received traini...
The education program included a safe sleep environment education handout for nurses to give parents, a safe newborn environment policy, and a PowerPoint presentation describing the contents of the new policy and the handouts. The PowerPoint will be retained by the facility to present at the bi...
Display powerpoint presentation in webform using client's PowerPoint app? Display success Message box in using c# Display Successfull Log-Out message in log-in page to user after he clicks log-out link button? Display Time and Date in ASP.Web Application Display tooltip or po...