Is Dolphin emulator pirating?The purpose of Dolphin is not to allow people to play games they don't own, and using it as such is not fair to the people that buy the games before playing them, or the people that make them in the first place....
How hard is it to get caught pirating? Assuming you shared files for all five years of the RIAA's legal hunt, among an (eventual) crowd of 45.6 million, that's a one in 1,629 chance of getting caught during that time period.
No one can convince me pirating software or music is a bad thing, look at the afore mentioned M$, and look at all the celebrities who produce the music we download, look at the actors who make the movies we download...they're not hurting one bit. Piracy is just an aspect of life....
With a jailbroken phone, you’re left navigating these legal waters at your own risk. And it may be tricky to prove that you’re not part of a pirating or hacking scheme through the apps you download. Loss of phone warranty:Apple strongly condemns jailbreaking and makes the act a breach...