1、a pair of hands 一个能做事的人、人手、正在工作的人 We need an extra pair of hands if we're going to finish on time.要想按时完成任务,我们就要再增加一个人。2、in safe hands 在可靠的人手里、受到妥善照管 I've left the kids in safe hands─with my parents.我把孩子托给了靠得住的...
dirty clothes – may help getthekidstokindergarten on time – but hold little interestfortinyhands, feet, noses and eyes. thisbigcity.net thisbigcity.net 無論是一粒砂,或是手掌大小的石塊,街道的觸覺特質更勝視覺,街道若是平順單一,或許能避免擦傷、跌倒、弄 髒衣物,也或許能準時送孩子到幼稚園,但對...
in safe hands In the care of a responsible or trustworthy person or entity.I just got recertified in first aid, so your kids are in safe hands with me.I thought our retirement fund was in safe hands—until our broker fled the country in disgrace!
The Kids Search Engine enhanced by Google for safe search in schools and at home. Find resources for education, parenting, well-being and internet safety.
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The movie looks like a sure bet for Best Film.Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2 in safe hands | in the safe hands of somebody being taken care of well by somebody I've left the kids in safe hands—with my parents. Their problem was in the safe hands of the experts. on ...
Children Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute's Teen Driver Source: Teen Driver Source provides practice guides, crash facts, driving law information and other resources for teen drivers. National Teen Driver Safety Week: NHTSA provides fact sheets, posters, graphics and other tools you can use...
safeHands alcohol-free hand sanitizer is one of the most extensively tested alcohol-free hand sanitizer available, proven to kill 99.99% of common germs.*
in good/safe hands (it's) better (to be) safe than sorry night safe pie safe play it safe safe-conduct safe-deposit box safe house safe pair of hands See More Articles Related tosafe Is it 'drive safe' or 'drive safely'? In praise of flat adverbs ...
Don't forget to take some hand sanitizer to let them clean hands often. And don't touch anything. No playing on playground equipment, sharing balls or touching any other items. You don't know who has touched it or when. Also, don't touch let kids touch th...