Safe Exam Browser可将任何计算机暂时变成安全的工作站。它控制对系统功能、其他网站和应用程序等资源的访问,并防止在考试期间使用未经授权的资源。SEB 在本地计算机上运行,并通过互联网连接到学习管理系统 (LMS) 或电子评估系统。通常,SEB 适用于任何基于 Web 的 LMS 和其他类型的基于 Web 的考试系统。
添加了 SEB 3.5.0 的官方参考。 要求 应用程序需要下面列出的先决条件才能正常工作。这些应该已经存在于安装了 SEB 的系统上。 .NET Framework 4.7.2 运行时 用法 下载并解压缩包含应用程序二进制文件的存档,然后双击 Verificator.exe 启动应用程序。有关更多使用信息...
Safe Exam Browser用户手册(在Moodle中)说明书 Safe Exam Browser User Manual (in Moodle)Step 1: Please enter the URL of the moodle server ( 2: Please click the course where you want to implement Safe Exam Browser activity ...
Secure Exam Browser Helps in Disabling Test-Takers' Unauthorized Software, Devices And Actions Online Exams AreLaunched in Lockdown Mode, Using MSB Wherein Additional Software/Hardware Are Disabled Test-Takers Are Not Allowed ToNavigate Away From The Test Window ...
SEB(Safe Exam Browser)是一款专为在线考试设计的网络浏览器环境,其核心价值在于将任何普通计算机转变为一个高度安全、受控的工作平台。通过精心构建的安全机制,SEB能够严格控制对各类工具的访问权限,有效限制考生使用与考试内容无关的软件和功能,从而大大降低作弊风险。
SafeExamBrowser (SEB) is a secure kiosk web browser environment used to carry out e-assessments that run on exam servers. SEB opens a web browser without an add…
Note: When using SEB with Pear Assessment, Pear Assessment dynamically generates a configuration file. Users do NOT need to configure SEB using the configuration tool provided by SEB. What is Kiosk Mode Kiosk Mode (KM) is a Chromebook app that opens a web browser window without navigation eleme...
Safe Exam Browser for macOS and iOS, SEB Verificator for macOS Open SafeExamBrowser.xcodeproj in a recent version of Xcode (currently 13.4.1). For building you have to switch off code signing or add your own code signing identities. SEB uses the enti...
Creation and administration of SEB Client Configurations that can be used to startup a SEB and that contains SEB Server connection information for a SEB Client Creation and administration of SEB Exam Configurations that can be bound to an imported Exam to automatically configure a SEB Client that ...
Moreover, Safe Exam Browser offerscustomizationoptionsto suit the specific needs and requirements of different exams and assessments. Administrators can configure SEB settings to enforce specific restrictions, such as blocking certain websites or applications, disabling copy and paste functionality, or restr...