Enjoy the convenience of visiting after office hours at your leisure. After operating hours access to safe deposit boxes are also possible with notification^. ^ Emergency access - Access your safe deposit box after operating hours, anytime, any day for $500. (subjected to a notification of at...
The meaning of SAFE-DEPOSIT BOX is a box (as in the vault of a bank) for safe storage of valuables —called also safety-deposit box.
deposit动— 存放动 · 使沉积动 · 摆放动 · 将钱存入储蓄账户动 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) (b) the inspection ofthesafe deposit boxofthe deceased to ...
When you rent a safe deposit box, the bank gives you a key to use, in tandem with a second “guard key” held by a bank employee, to access the box. If your bank uses a keyless system, you will scan your finger or hand instead. Either way, you will have to provide some type o...
Pay a deposit and the annual rent By using our Autopay Service, your annual rental will be deducted automatically from your account held with the Bank once it is due. Please go to ourbrancheswith safe deposit box service available to check out the details!
这句关于safe-deposit box的句子意味着,许多人可能对保险箱的使用存在误解。他们可能以为,只需将钥匙插入锁孔,就能完成所有操作。然而,事实并非如此。使用保险箱远比简单的锁与钥匙互动复杂得多。保险箱不仅仅是一个存放物品的容器。它们为珍贵物品提供了一个高度安全的存储环境,包括文件、珠宝、艺术品...
Origin ofsafe-deposit box1 An Americanism dating back to 1880–85 Word of the Day [hood-wingk] Advertisement add this widget to your site Did You Know? Tuxedo was given its name after gaining popularity among diners at Tuxedo Park, NY. ...
It will be in my safe - deposit box. 我会放在我的保险箱里面. 互联网 Can I rent asafe deposit box? 我可以租用保险箱 吗 ? 互联网 Additional Amenities Include Self Parking And ASafe Deposit BoxAt The Front Desk. 额外的饭店设施及服务有自助停车和柜台保险箱. ...
safe deposit box 美 英 n.保险箱 网络保险库;保险柜;出租保险箱 权威英汉双解 英汉 网络释义 safe-deposit-box n. 1. (银行的)保管箱;保险箱a metal box for storing valuable things, usually kept in a special room at a bank
depositv. [T] 放下,放置;使沉积;存放,寄放;存储;预付(定金);下(蛋) [I] 沉淀;付保证金 n.[C] 沉积物,积垢;寄存物,存款;保证金;【矿】矿床;仓库,保管人,受托人 boxn.[C] 1.箱;盒;匣 2.一箱(或一盒、一匣)的容量 3.箱(或盒、匣)状物 4.(戏院、运动场等处的)包厢;(法院里的)陪审席;...